
The Elite Proven Recruitment Solution


  • We will inform you of the current market for locum dentists in your area and suggested remuneration / target package.
  • You will be introduced to one of our Locum Controllers who will get to know exactly what you are looking for an how flexible you can be.
  • We will need to complete some compliance paperwork with you to make sure both of us are legally sound.
  • We will take all the softer details from you about the practice(s) and its working culture so we can try and get the right fit and also fill your gap!

Market Role

  • Market your role to our network of locum dentists
  • Proactively approach our database of candidates where our core locum team are not able to assist.
  • Use our Google Ranking as the highest ranking agency to attract new locums.


  • Our consultants will telephone interview each suitable candidate before sending to you
  • Our resourcing team will check qualifications and right to work before sending to you.
  • Our team will remove unsuitable candidates from the process which will save you time


  • We will arrange interviews and manage any offers and counter offers for you
  • We will gain employment and/or clinical references if you wish
  • We check in on you and the candidate regularly throughout the locum booking.

The Dental Elite Promise

  • Our service is free until the point of us making a placement or locum booking with you.
  • We are the only agency to make a donation for each placement we make to MIND, a charity which supports many people, including dental professionals UK wide.
  • We will endeavour to fill every locum booking that we are engaged to fill but in the same mantra, be honest with you where we feel we can’t support you or where we feel your package will not meet the expectations of locum dentists in the marketplace.
  • As a member of TEAM we ensure we meet all of the industry’s best practice standards.

Using A Dental Recruitment Agency

An employer can use as many agencies as they wish to, as sole agency agreements are very uncommon, particularly within the dental industry. However, where we are pro-actively working on a locum booking, unless we advise that we are unlikely to be able help, we do ask you to give us a bit of time so we don’t waste our locum network’s time with a booking that is less likely to come to fruition