
Moving away from Corporate dentistry

Corporate and Independent Contracts

When it comes to deciding between working for a corporate or independent, one can never be too cautious when weighing up the advantages and disadvantages. After all, it is not a decision to be taken lightly.

If you are looking for a business model that is sales driven and provides dentists with fantastic opportunities to earn rewarding bonuses, then there’s a good chance that a corporate environment is the option for you. However, a workplace that requires you to meet sales targets is not necessary suited to everyone’s taste, nor is doing so an ability that is possessed by each person entering dentistry. Thus, if it were more clinical freedom and less pressure on hitting sales targets you are after, working for an independent could be the ideal solution.

Another common deciding factor of choosing a contract is location, location, location! Corporates can have an extensive, nationwide network that can be extremely advantageous to those who prioritise geographical placement of the practice over the business model. Plus, because there can be a large number of practices available within a corporate or group, a vacancy is typically always available. Thus, if location is no issue, and one’s skillset meets the criteria of the job role, it can be an infallible way of procuring a position. With additional opportunities of career progression within the company and the option of relocating to another practice if a position becomes available, a contract with a corporate can be an auspicious venture.

Finding an available role in an independent practice, on the other hand, can be more difficult, mostly because they require smaller teams and vacancy openings are less frequent. When they do become available, however, they are always worth exploring, particularly if you are a dentist that yearns to flourish and broaden skill mix to include the delivery of specialist treatments.

Naturally, the basis of making a decision can be more complex than just personal preference; it also boils down to circumstance and the job market at the time. Consequently, dentists may find themselves in a position where they would like to make the move from corporate employment to working for – or becoming a partner of – an independent practice. In such cases, it would be prudent to take into consideration possible barriers that could occur.

The main, potential issue that can occur when moving from a corporate to an independent is that associates can sometimes be subject to a minimum of a four-month notice period, which inevitably means associates from corporates get overlooked when applying for a new role. Fortunately, the obstacle can easily be overcome, especially with the support of an experienced, specialist recruitment agency such as Dental Elite. The solution? Hand in your notice first, look for a job later. While this could be perceived as a risky move, it provides a get-out for dentists that might otherwise be trapped by contractual obligations.

To maximise your opportunities after you’ve handed in your registration, why not seek the guidance from a team of expert recruiters? And who knows, moving to an independent could be the move of a lifetime!

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